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Thursday, December 10, 2020

It's December Already!

Wow!  How did that happen?
Remember my post a few months ago about my Ah-Ha moment and how I could make a woodland table setting using the inspiration from a fabulous designer, but change the color scheme and elements to fit my dining room?   I worked so hard on that idea.  I shopped on Amazon, Etsy and eBay, painted pine cones and created a story board that looked terrific.  This week I tried several times to create a tablescape using all my great ideas and guess what?   I had to scrap the idea and start from scratch.  And that's ok because sometimes an idea looks great on paper (as they say). It's important to recognize that a design isn't working, and go to plan B.  The deer centerpiece ended up in my living room, and I was able to use the dishes with my new Christmas table setting.  It's a classic case of "moving on".  

My Norfolk pine that I purchased from Trader Joe's three years ago is still with me and has grown at least two feet taller!   It resides outside during the late spring and summer, then joins us in the house for fall and winter.    

I've had a few readers ask me about the feather bouquet in front of the fire place.  I started collecting feathers last year.   I purchased egret plumes and red tip pheasant feathers from Etsy.  The long peacock feathers and feather picks are from Michaels.  I gently placed them in my Lenox vase.  They hold each other in place.  When not in use, I store the egret and pheasant feathers in a long tin, and keep the picks and peacock feathers in a vase.

Below is a slide show of my table and home decor for Christmas followed by individual photos.  It will just be the two of us, my husband and me, but we are enjoying the sparkling lights and holiday cheer just the same.

Njoy everyone

Norfolk Pine
Living Room West

Antlers, Candles & Pinecones
Dining Room

Mantle Garland and Feather Bouquet
Living Room East

Christmas Table
Dining Room

Small Christmas Tree
Sun Room Northeast Corner

Deer Centerpiece
Living Room