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Saturday, August 31, 2019

In the Midst!

It's Labor Day weekend and time to celebrate with friends and family or take that summer's end
va-cay.  The delicious aroma of barbecue is wafting through the neighborhood, and there is a buzz of activity everywhere.  We spent the day at the home our friends, John and Rosemary, and celebrated their niece's birthday.  Thank you, Rosemary, for organizing a lovely gathering and happy birthday Christina!  Christina's cake was amazing!  A chocolate cake piled high with chocolate mousse icing and a layer of cream puffs hidden inside.  Possibly the best cake ever!  Christina's one-year old white Shepard, Layla, joined the festivities.
Meanwhile, my little Sadie waited patiently at home for our return.   Can you tell I'm a dog lover?  Well, animals in general.

On the home and gardening front, I harvested three hydrangeas and will attempt to dry them out and use them in various fall and winter arrangements.   Go to: for instructions.  Thank you, Yvonne!   I'll pair them with apples for a fall vignette, as she suggests.
The arrangement currently residing on my dining room table is the result of foraging through my garage storage and putting something bold and interesting together.
Njoy your weekend!

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