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Monday, August 8, 2022


 Nothing like a great food prop to make a table look more inviting!   I thought I'd start with bread.  After researching, I found a simple way to make a faux bread food prop.  One, buy a pretty loaf of bread.  Two, dehydrate it in a slow oven: 180 degrees for 2 hours.  Three, let it cool and sit for a couple days.  Four, give it two coats of polyurethane.   Make sure it doesn't get wet or damp, and if you store it, throw in some silica packets to keep it dry.   And voila!   Here it is.
Faux Bread!

My thoughts about a New Year's Eve placesetting.   I decided to look for plates with a clock face to use for NYE.  The items that came up were very expensive, and frankly, not very cute.  So, I decided to resurrect an idea I had last year which was to place a paper clock face under a glass plate.   Easy and budget friendly.

New Year's Eve Clock Face

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