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Monday, October 26, 2020

The Pheasants are here!

Halloween is almost here, and we're on our way to Thanksgiving!   I've been admiring the fall pheasant pattern dishes posted in my favorite FB group, Beautiful Table Settings.   It's a private group so if you'd like to join, please let me know, and I'll send you an invitation.  That said, I've been working on a new table setting.  When I'm in the planning phase, I'll create a story board to see if the elements, textures and colors work together.   So here it is for the Elegant Pheasant.  The elements are:
Dinner Plates:             Noritake Keltcraft Pheasant Wicklow Gree
Flatware:                    Farberware Gold Breeze Goldware
Goblets:                     Cellini White Lace with Gold Rim
Candelabras:              Victorian Vintage Brass
Velvet Table Topper:    Gold Crushed Velvet (hand made by me)
Beaded Placemat:       Amazon
Satin Napkins:            Amazon

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